Safety conscious people that are wary of the risks that certain malicious actors might pose are going to prefer heavier limos due to the reason that these limos have bullet proof windows and can withstand explosions as well. The truth of the situation is that you are probably not such a person and your life is not usually going to be in danger since you are just involved in innocent business dealings and you only want to rent a limo so that you can travel and also have a good time in the process of getting somewhere.
Heavier limos are therefore not really a useful investment for you, and they might even be a bad thing for you to rent out if you think about it. The heavier a car provided by a los angeles limo company is, the more difficult it would be to maneuver. This means that it would take a much longer period of time for you to get to your destination. Slow cars are some of the most infuriating things that people need to deal with, and people on the road who are being forced to slow down because of you are going to vent their frustration by honking their horns.
This can be a rather anxiety inducing experience if you think about it, one that can make it impossible for you truly savor the limo experience that you are paying for. Lighter limos can travel faster and more easily, and they work well around corners as well. Smoother turns can mean a smoother ride, and not having to deal with annoyed drivers on the road is also generally going to be a pretty beneficial thing for you to focus on.